Allegra Chabay Yoga
Yoga Therapy
Instruction & Classes
Restorative Practice
Consultation & Integration
Yoga is for everyone
Allegra has practiced yoga since 1996. She believes in its practice and teaching as service to all beings and approaches yoga as a source of joy and peace that is of benefit to all, regardless of circumstance. Her teaching is infused with yoga philosophy, pranayama, conscious alignment, and humor. Each student is invited to find the depth and pace appropriate to them in the moment. Allegra offers adjustments and modifications for all levels and abilities so that the practice is made accessible as a tool for freedom, wellness, and movement toward the experience of the authentic self. Allegra’s approach to sharing yoga balances tradition and innovation, centers the breath, and grounds the physical in a weaving of philosophy, interpersonal neurobiology, and spirituality. In many years of teaching in non-traditional settings, she’s crafted a style that offers yoga as just not something we do, but something we are, something that allows students to connect more deeply to the heart of their being, the innate value in each of us. Centered around connectivity between breath, asana and spirit, sequences are designed to be deeply nourishing, embrace the concept of sthirasukhasanam (steady-sweetness, or effort and surrender), and honor the seasons/energies (doshas) as recommended by the sister-science of yoga, Ayurveda. Classes open and close with seated meditation and pranayama (breath-work), and sequences are crafted in the Vinyasa Krama (intelligent sequencing) tradition, supporting strength and flexibility in the whole Self - body, heart, mind, nervous systems, and brain. She is moved and influenced by the teachings of the natural world, Ayurveda, Sri Krishnamacharya, TKV Desikachar, Tias Little, Dharma Mittra, Mark Whitwell, Sarahjoy Marsh, James Fox, and many others with whose teachings she’s been grateful to connect. She bows to the lotus feet of all her teachers, past and present, and to the feet of her children, who she finds to be true and constant teachers of all aspects of the practice.